2024 Junior State Winner Lilly Gage, Chehalis
Here are the steps to enter the Make It With Wool Washington contest:
***NEW THIS YEAR***There is a $15 State Contest Fee. The funding for the Washington State Make It With Wool Contest has changed this year. We are instigating an entry fee to help cover the cost for running the contest (similar to many of the other states).
If you are interested in helping fund WA MIWW, please contact Ericka Suhrbier at erickasuhrbier@gmail.com or makeitwithwoolwa@gmail.com.
Step 1: Wool Testing: To qualify for the Make It With Wool contest, all fabrics, except for Pre-Teens and Made for Others, must be at least 60% wool. (Pre-teens and Made for Others do not advance to Nationals. Fabric must still be 60% wool, but testing is not required.) Unfortunately, the wool percentage listed on fabric labels in stores and online is frequently wrong! We strongly urge you to wait until you get the results of the fabric test before you create your garment and register for the contest. You may register before you receive the results, but you will not be allowed to compete if your fabric doesn’t qualify. Please allow 4 weeks to receive the results.
To have your fabric tested, send a 5″x5″ sample of each fabric you plan to use (samples may be pieced together) and/or a 36″ sample of each yarn you plan to use to Ericka Suhrbier, 694 S. Military Rd., Winlock, WA 98596. Include your name, address, phone number and email address. The lab that did the fabric testing for MIWW in the past was sold, and no agreements could be reached with the other possible labs. Therefore, this year each state is doing its own testing. The national office will re-test the samples for the garments which advance to the national competition. We are foregoing the lab fees this year, so you do not need to send any money for testing with your samples. PLEASE keep the test number that Ericka assigns your fabric for the entry form.
If your fabric or yarn has previously been tested at the Montana State University Wool Laboratory, Yocum-McCall Testing Labs, or Ericka Suhrbier, and you have the lab test number and wool percentage, you do not need to have your fabric or yarn retested. Instead, you need to enter the lab test number and % wool on the entry form.

2024 Senior State Winner Kaitlyn Lawson, Lakewood